Solved-Assignment #5- Solution

$30.00 $19.00

Deliverable: Use the object-oriented design principles and utilize the MVC architecture discussed in the class to produce an object-oriented web-based enterprise application that is reusable, flexible, and extensible. Use Servlets to implement the functionalities listed below. Record 10 minutes demo of your assignment’s run using screencast. The tool can be downloaded from this URL…

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Use the object-oriented design principles and utilize the MVC architecture discussed in the class to produce an object-oriented web-based enterprise application that is reusable, flexible, and extensible.

Use Servlets to implement the functionalities listed below.

Record 10 minutes demo of your assignment’s run using screencast. The tool can be downloaded from this URL

Capture most important 10 screen-shots of your output and save them in a file called output.pdf

All source code and byte code shall be submitted.

Readme text file that illustrates how to compile/install/run your application

Post your homework as a single zipped file on Blackboard with the name “HW5_YourLastName,FirstName”

Important Notes:

NO IDE to be used in any shape/form in the implementation of this assignment

Do NOT communicate or share your assignment with others

High-Level Requirements:

Extend Assignment#4 to add two the following two features:

  1. Deal Match Guarantees feature.

  1. Recommender feature

Required Functionalities for Deal Match Guarantees Feature:

See below an illustration for a screen-shot of SmartPortables web site for the required Deal Match feature

Use the python script provided to create the DealMatches.txt File

The python script will connect to Twitter server in order to get the current deals of BestBuy under the screen_name BestBuy_Deals

The python script will connect to MySQL server for SmartPortables app in order to get the list of products

The python script will compare the product names retrieved from MySQL server to the products names retrieved from screen_name BestBuy_Deals on Twitter server and it will write the tweets that have the products names that match the product names retrieved from MySQL server in the product table into DealMatches.txt file.

When SmartPortables app is started by Tomcat server, it will read ANY 2 Tweets/lines from DealMatches.txt file and display them on SmartPortables app homepage along with links to the individual products that SmartPortables app can match of the offered/displayed deals by BestBuy on the homepage of SmartPortables app.

All new code added for this feature shall be placed in a class called\

Required Functionalities for Recommender Feature:

Based on the history of the user purchases and after the user makes a purchase, your enterprise web application, shall make three product recommendations for the logged in user, see below an illustration:

The application

recommended the

following products after

the purchase.