Solved-Programming Assignment 2: Container- Solution

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Implement a container class template named Map similar to the std::map class from the C++ Standard Library. Such containers implement key-value pairs, where key and value may be any types, including class types. (In the following, the value will be referred to as the mapped type or mapped object, and the term value will used…

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Implement a container class template named Map similar to the std::map class from the C++ Standard Library. Such containers implement key-value pairs, where key and value may be any types, including class types. (In the following, the value will be referred to as the mapped type or mapped object, and the term value will used to designate the entire pair. This is so as to be consistent with the terminology in the standard library.) Note that C++ terminology uses object even for fundamental types such as ints. Your Map class template will have two type parameters, Key_T and Mapped_T, denoting the key type and the mapped type, respectively. As in std::map, the mapped type values themselves must be in your map, not pointers to the values.

The specification given below is intended to be a proper subset of the functionality of std::map. This means that if you don’t fully understand something, you can check the documentation for std::map, or even write a small test using std::map. If you find any discrepancies between what is described below and std::map, please let me know.

You may assume that the Key_T and Mapped_T are copy constructible and destructible. You may assume that Key_T has a less-than operator (<), and an equality operator (==), as free-standing functions (not member functions). You may also assume that Mapped_T has an equality comparison (==). If operator< is invoked on Map objects, you may also assume that Mapped_T has operator<. You may not assume that either class has a default constructor or an assignment operator. You may only assume that a Mapped_T that is used with operator[] may be default initialized. You may not make any other assumptions. (Check with us if there is any doubt.)

Your Map class must expose three nested classes: Iterator, ConstIterator, and ReverseIterator. None of these classes should permit default construction.

An iterator is an object that points to an element in a sequence. The iterators must traverse the Map by walking through the keys in sorted order. Iterators must remain valid as long as the element they are pointing to has not been erased. Any function that results in the removal of an element from a map, such as erase, will invalidate any iterator that points to that element, but not any other iterator.

Your map implementation must be completely contained in your Map.hpp file. I do not believe that you will need a Map.cpp file, but you may have one if you wish.

Additionally, your class must meet the following time complexity requirements: O(lg(N)) for key lookup, insertion, and deletion; O(1) for all iterator increments and decrements; and O(N) for copy construction and assignment. These time complexities are the worst-case, expected time complexities. In other words, for the worst-case possible input, your submission must, when averaged over many runs, have the given time complexity. If you use amortization to achieve the above bounds, that is fine, but contact me.

To achieve the performance requirements, two data structures that will work are balanced binary trees or skip lists. Note that the latter is easier to implement. Hash tables will not work.

All classes should be in the cs540 namespace. Your code must work with test classes that are not in the cs540 namespace, however. Your code should not have any memory errors or leaks as reported by valgrind. Your code should compile and run on the cluster. Your code should not have any hard-coded, arbitrary limits or assumptions about maximum number of elements, maximum sizes, etc.

You may find that you need a linked list in your implementation. There are many variations on how to implement linked lists. In my experience, I have found doubly-linked, circular lists with a sentinel node to be convenient in most cases, and usually the cost of the extra pointer to maintain a doubly-linked list is not an issue. Some example code is here.

Preliminary test code is here. Be sure to skim through the code below to understand any options, and to understand what is being tested.

We reserve the right to add additional tests to this as we see fit.

Extra Credit

For the extra credit, you must also include test code that convinces us that it works. Note that this may require some thought.

Also, you can only get the extra credit if you meet the other requirements. For example, you cannot get extra credit if you cannot successfully erase elements.

The number of points is somewhat variable, depending on exactly what you do, so check with me first with your specific idea to find out how much extra credit.

Indexable (15 pts)

Make your Map indexable. Performance must be better than O(N).





template <typename Key_T, typename Mapped_T> class Map;

This declares a Map class that maps from Key_T objects to Mapped_T objects.

Type Member




The type of the elements: std::pair<const

Public Member Functions and Comparison Operators of Map



Constructors and Assignment Operator


This constructor creates an empty map.

Map(const Map &);

Copy constructor. Must have O(N) performance, where N is the number of elements.

Map &operator=(const Map &);

Copy assignment operator. Value semantics must be used. You must be able to handle self-assignment. Must have O(N) performance, where N is the number of elements.

Map(std::initializer_list<std::pair<const Key_T, Mapped_T>>);

Initializer list constructor. Support for creation of Map with initial values, such asMap<string,int>
m{{"key1", 1}, {"key2", 2}};


Destructor, release any acquired resources.


size_t size() const;

Returns the number of elements in the map.

bool empty() const;

Returns true if the Map has no entries in it, false otherwise.


Iterator begin();

Returns an Iterator pointing to the first element, in order.

Iterator end();

Returns an Iterator pointing one past the last element, in order.

ConstIterator begin() const;

Returns a ConstIterator pointing to the first element, in order.

ConstIterator end() const;

Returns a ConstIterator pointing one past the last element, in order.

ReverseIterator rbegin()

Returns an ReverseIterator to the first element in reverse order, which is the last element in normal order.

ReverseIterator rend()

Returns an ReverseIterator pointing to one past the last element in reverse order, which is one before the first element in normal order.

Element Access

Iterator find(const Key_T &);
ConstIterator find(const
Key_T &) const;

Returns an iterator to the given key. If the key is not found, these functions return the end() iterator.

Mapped_T &at(const Key_T &);

Returns a reference to the mapped object at the specified key. If the key is not in the Map, throws std::out_of_range.

const Mapped_T &at(const Key_T &) const;

Returns a const reference to the mapped object at the specified key. If the key is not in the map, throws std::out_of_range.

Mapped_T &operator[](const Key_T &);

If key is in the map, return a reference to the corresponding mapped object. If it is not, value initialize a mapped object for that key and returns a reference to it (after insert). This operator may not be used for a Mapped_T class type that does not support default construction.


std::pair<Iterator, bool> insert(const ValueType &);

template <typename IT_T>
void insert(
IT_T range_beg, IT_T range_end);

The first version inserts the given pair into the map. If the key does not already exist in the map, it returns an iterator pointing to the new element, and true. If the key already exists, no insertion is performed nor is the mapped object changed, and it returns an iterator pointing to the element with the same key, and false.

The second version inserts the given object or range of objects into the map. In the second version, the range of objects inserted includes the object range_beg points to, but not the object that range_end points to. In other words, the range is half-open. The iterator returned in the first version points to the newly inserted element. There must be only one constructor invocation per object inserted. Note that the range may be in a different container type, as long as the iterator is compatible. A compatible iterator would be one from which a ValueType can be constructed. For example, it might be from a std::vector<std::pair<Key_T,
Mapped_T>>. There might be any number of compatible iterator types, therefore, the range insert is a member template.

void erase(Iterator pos);
void erase(const
Key_T &);

Removes the given object from the map. The object may be indicated by iterator, or by key. If given by key, throws std::out_of_range if the key is not in the Map

void clear();

Removes all elements from the map.


bool operator==(const Map &, const Map &);
bool operator!=(const Map &, const Map &);
bool operator<(const Map &, const Map &);

These operators may be implemented as member functions or free functions, though implementing as free functions is recommended. The first operator compares the given maps for equality. Two maps compare equal if they have the same number of elements, and if all elements compare equal. The second operator compares the given maps for inequality. You may implement this simply as the logical complement of the equality operator. For the third operator, you must use lexicographic sorting. Corresponding elements from each maps must be compared one-by-one. A map M1 is less than a map M2 if there is an element in M1 that is less than the corresponding element in the same position in map M2, or if all corresponding elements in both maps are equal and M1 is shorter than M2.

Map elements are of type ValueType, so this actually compares the pairs.

Public Member Functions of Iterator



Map<Key_T, Mapped_T>::Iterator

Iterator(const Iterator &);

Your class must have a copy constructor, but you do not need to define this if the implicit one works for your implementation. (Which is what I expect in most cases.)


Destructor (implicit definition is likely good enough).

Iterator& operator=(const Iterator &);

Your class must have an assignment operator, but you do not need to define this if the implicit one works for your implementation. (Which is what I expect in most cases.)

Iterator &operator++();

Increments the iterator one element, and returns a reference to the incremented iterator (preincrement). If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined.

Iterator operator++(int);

Increments the iterator one element, and returns an iterator pointing to the element prior to incrementing the iterator (postincrement). If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined.

Iterator &operator–();

Decrements the iterator one element, and returns a reference to the decremented iterator (predecrement). If the iterator is pointing to the beginning of the list, the behavior is undefined. If the iterator has the special value returned by the end() function, then the iterator must point to the last element after this function.

Iterator operator–(int);

Decrements the iterator one element, and returns an iterator pointing to the element prior to decrementing (postdecrement). If the iterator is pointing to the beginning of the list, the behavior is undefined. If the iterator has the special value returned by the end() function, then the iterator must point to the last element after this function.

ValueType &operator*() const;

Returns a reference to the ValueType object contained in this element of the list. If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined. This can be used to change the Mapped_T member of the element.

ValueType *operator->() const;

Special member access operator for the element. If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined. This can be used to change the Mapped_T member of the element.

Public Member Functions of ConstIterator

This class has all the same functions and operators as the Iterator class, except that the dereference operator (*) and the class member access operator (->), better known as the arrow operator, return const references.

You should try to move as many of the operations below as possible into a base class that is common to the other iterator types.



Map<Key_T, Mapped_T>::ConstIterator

ConstIterator(const ConstIterator &);

Your class must have a copy constructor, but you do not need to define this if the implicit one works for your implementation. (Which is what I expect in most cases.)

ConstIterator(const Iterator &);

This is a conversion operator.


Destructor (implicit definition is likely good enough).

ConstIterator& operator=(const ConstIterator &);

Your class must have an assignment operator, but you do not need to define this if the implicit one works for your implementation. (Which is what I expect in most cases.)

ConstIterator &operator++();

Increments the iterator one element, and returns a reference to the incremented iterator (preincrement). If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined.

ConstIterator operator++(int);

Increments the iterator one element, and returns an iterator pointing to the element prior to incrementing the iterator (postincrement). If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined.

ConstIterator &operator–();

Decrements the iterator one element, and returns a reference to the decremented iterator (predecrement). If the iterator is pointing to the beginning of the list, the behavior is undefined. if the iterator has the special value returned by the end() function, then the iterator must point to the last element after this function.

ConstIterator operator–(int);

Decrements the iterator one element, and returns an iterator pointing to the element prior to decrementing (postdecrement). If the iterator is pointing to the beginning of the list, the behavior is undefined. if the iterator has the special value returned by the end()function, then the iterator must point to the last element after this function.

const ValueType &operator*() const;

Returns a reference to the current element of the iterator. If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined.

const ValueType *operator->() const;

Special member access operator for the element. If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined.

Public Member Functions of ReverseIterator

This class has all the same functions and operators as the Iterator class, except that the direction of increment and decrement are reversed. In other words, incrementing this iterator actually goes backwards through the map.

You should try to move as many of the operations below as possible into a base class that is common to the other iterator types.

Note that a real container would probably also have a const reverse iterator, which would result in even more duplication.



Map<Key_T, Mapped_T>::ReverseIterator

ReverseIterator(const ReverseIterator &);

Your class must have a copy constructor, but you do not need to define this if the implicit one works for your implementation. (Which is what I expect in most cases.)


Destructor (implicit definition is likely good enough).

ReverseIterator& operator=(const ReverseIterator &);

Your class must have an assignment operator, but you do not need to define this if the implicit one works for your implementation. (Which is what I expect in most cases.)

ReverseIterator &operator++();

Increments the iterator one element, and returns a reference to the incremented iterator (preincrement). If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined.

ReverseIterator operator++(int);

Increments the iterator one element, and returns an iterator pointing to the element prior to incrementing the iterator (postincrement). If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined.

ReverseIterator &operator–()

Decrements the iterator one element, and returns a reference to the decremented iterator (predecrement). If the iterator is pointing to the beginning of the list, the behavior is undefined. If the iterator has the special value returned by the end()function, then the iterator must point to the last element after this function.

ReverseIterator operator–(int)

Decrements the iterator one element, and returns an iterator pointing to the element prior to decrementing (postdecrement). If the iterator is pointing to the beginning of the list, the behavior is undefined. If the iterator has the special value returned by the end() function, then the iterator must point to the last element after this function.

ValueType &operator*() const;

Returns a reference to the ValueType object contained in this element of the list. If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined. This can be used to change the Mapped_T member of the element.

ValueType *operator->() const;

Special member access operator for the element. If the iterator is pointing to the end of the list, the behavior is undefined. This can be used to change the Mapped_T member of the element.

Comparison Operators for Iterators

These operators implemented as member functions or free functions. I suggest that you use free functions, however.



bool operator==(const Iterator &, const Iterator &)
bool operator==(const ConstIterator &, const ConstIterator &)
bool operator==(const Iterator &, const ConstIterator &)
bool operator==(const ConstIterator &, const Iterator &)
bool operator!=(const Iterator &, const Iterator &)
bool operator!=(const ConstIterator &, const ConstIterator &)
bool operator!=const Iterator &, const ConstIterator &)
bool operator!=const ConstIterator &, const Iterator &)

You must be able to compare any combination of Iterator and ConstIterator. Two iterators compare equal if they point to the same element in the list. Two iterators may compare unequal even if theT objects that they contain compare equal. It’s not strictly necessary that you implement the above exactly as written, only that you must be able to compare the above. For example, if your Iterator inherits from ConstIterator, then you may be able to get some of the above comparisons autumatically via implicit upcasts.

bool operator==(const ReverseIterator &, const ReverseIterator &)
bool operator!=(const ReverseIterator &, const ReverseIterator &)

It’s not strictly necessary that you implement the above exactly as written, only that you must be able to compare the above. For example, if your ReverseIterator inherits from Iterator, then you may be able to get some of the above comparisons autumatically via implicit upcasts.