Solved–Project 3– Solution

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Submit each program as a separate file. 25 points 5 points 1 point Create two variables, count and limit Assign a 5 to count, assign 3 to limit. If count is less than limit, print a message showing count and announcing that count is less than the limit Else, print a message showing count…

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Submit each program as a separate file.

25 points 5 points

1 point

  1. Create two variables, count and limit Assign a 5 to count, assign 3 to limit.

If count is less than limit, print a message showing count and announcing that count is less than the limit

Else, print a message showing count and announcing that count is NOT less than the limit.

2 points

  1. Create a list of amounts in inventory like this

amounts = [5, 16, 44, 31, 107, 48, 22, 999, 8]

Print an inventory report on each item

Set message to “OK”

For items less than low_limit of 10 Set message to “Too few items

For amounts above high_limit of 99 Set message to “Too many items

For amounts equal to missing –it’s 999 Set message to

Unknown number of items – recheck inventory

Print amount and message

2 points

  1. Create a list of prices at the Cohnah Market like this

prices_list = [4.95, 9.90, 12.44, 1.99, 27.95, 5.00, 11.05, 144.23, 20.00]

For price less than or equal to bargain of 5.00

Set message to “Sale price!

For price at or above quality of 20.00 Set message to “Exclusive offering

Print price and message 3 points

Create several variables with these values

word1 = ‘Book’

word2 = ‘art’

word3 = ‘artist’

word4 = ‘book’

1 point

Compare word2 with word3.

if word2 comes before word3, print word2 “comes before” word3 else print word2 “comes after” word3

1 point

Compare word1 with word2.

if word1 comes before word2, print word1 “comes before” word2 else print word1 “comes after” word2

1 point

Create this variable and this list

name = ‘Wenlan’

chosen = [‘Bob’, ‘Jan’, ‘Wenlan’, ‘Ashley’] check whether name in chosen list

if name in chosen, print(name, “is in list”)

if not, print(name, “is NOT in list”) 10 points

The Python if, elif, elif, else statements allow assigning a data item to one and only category. elif means “else if”.


After getting a value such as “very short” to category, Python jumps past all remaining elif and else; it then prints height and category.

For this part of the assignment, use if elif elif else

You will ask for a name, or “Quit” then for the number of points earned on a test. Using this table below, assign a letter grade, print the name, points and grade, then repeat.


2 points

Use a while loop to repeatedly ask for a name or “Quit”.

2 points

Ask for number of points earned.

5 points

Use an if elif structure to assign a value such as “A” or “B” based on the number of points.

1 point

Ask again for name or “Quit”.

Results may look like this (notice a test for each grade):

B onus + 1 Collect names and points in 2 lists, print grades after all data collected.

After collecting the names and points into 2 lists, calculate grades and print name, points and grade for each student. Your results will look something like this: 7 points

Never save a file called “” – if you do so, turtle graphics will not work on your computer until you change the name to anything else.

To fill a triangle with a blue color, do this


1 points Set up to draw a spiral as before

Set pencolor to “red

Set pensize to 2.

Set speed to ‘fastest’

Set the variable size to 20

Set the variable angle to 360 divided by 4

Set the variable nudge to 4.7 (any amount from 3 to 8 could

work here)

Set the variable bump to 5

1 point

Repeat the following 60 times

4 points

Draw a square with side length size

filled with the next color from a color_list of at least 3 colors

1 point

Turn the turtle right nudge degrees

Move forward bump units

Change size to be 4 units larger

Your drawing will look like this — you might have some different color choices, or number of colors, and your spiral might curve to the left, or to the right, but it should show some filled squares looking more or less similar to this:

Bonus + 1 point

Fill the color list by asking a user to name the colors to use.