Solved–Write a program that forks one process — Project 4– Solution

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turnin code: cs_p4 Write a program that forks one process. Have the new process execve the program named /usr/bin/sort. Use dup/dup2 and a pipe to establish a way for the original process to pass stdin to sort. The sort program will simply print to stdout. BE SURE TO HAVE THIS AS THE FIRST EXECUTABLE LINE…

You’ll get a: . zip file solution




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turnin code: cs_p4

Write a program that forks one process. Have the new process execve the

program named /usr/bin/sort. Use dup/dup2 and a pipe to establish a way

for the original process to pass stdin to sort. The sort program will

simply print to stdout.



The original process should read lines of input from a file named as the

first command-line arg. Discard any lines that contain the word foobar

in lower-case. All other lines should be passed to sort via the pipe.

Command-line args after the filename should be handed to sort as if they

were entered on its command-line; there will not be more than 3.

I will run tests by typing commands like this:

./p4 infilename1

./p4 infilename2 -n # -n will be passed as arg to sort

./p4 infilename2 -n -r # -n and -r will be passed as args to sort

As in prior projects, if the program is run with a single command-line arg

of -hw then it should simply print hello world and then exit(0)

TURNIN info:

You should submit a tar file of a directory which contains all of the

required files (makefile, C source files, header files, etc).

Sample tar command to create a tar file from a dir named p4dir:

tar cvf p4.tar ./p4dir ## do *NOT* use full pathname of the dir

After un-tarring your project, I will cd to the dir containing

it and type:

rm -rf p4

rm -f *.o


It should build an executable named p4 as described above.

Sample un-tar, build, and simple execution will be provided in the script

p4testfiles/ which must execute correctly to be graded further.