Lab 1 Solution

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Due date: Friday 11 January before 6:30pm. Submissions made after the deadline will not be accepted. The purpose of this lab is to practice using a few different shell commands to navigate through the file system, review git, and compile and run simple C programs. Before starting this lab, we strongly recommend you complete the…

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Due date: Friday 11 January before 6:30pm. Submissions made after the deadline will not be accepted.

The purpose of this lab is to practice using a few different shell commands to navigate through the file system, review git, and compile and run simple C programs.

Before starting this lab, we strongly recommend you complete the following sections on the PCRS

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C Language Basics -> DISCOVER: Types, Variables and Assignment Statements (video 1)

C Language Basics -> DISCOVER: Input, Output and Compiling (all videos)

You’ll find the other videos in the “C Language Basics” part useful as a reference as you start working with C.

You should also have your computing environment set up (see the Software Setup page on Quercus) before starting this lab.

To start, login to MarkUs and navigate to the lab1 assignment. You’ll find your repository URL to clone. Even if you know your MarkUs repo URL, it’s important to visit the page first! This triggers the starter code for this lab to be committed to your repository.

Then, open a terminal on your computer and do a git pull in your CSC209 MarkUs repository. You should see a new folder called lab1 with some starter code inside. Make sure to do all your work on this lab in that folder.

You should also see a folder called markus‐hooks . This semester, we are using a tool to help you make sure you’re using git correctly with MarkUs. A git hook is a program that runs at a specific time in the git workflow to perform specific checks about the action being run. In this course, you’ll be using a pre-commit hook to perform two checks every time you commit changes:

You may not add, delete, or modify top-level files or directories in your repository. Instead, all of your work should be done in assignment-specific subdirectories, like lab1 .

When an assignment has required files, you’ll receive a warning message if your repo is missing some of these files. If the assignment restricts your submission to only those required files, you won’t be able to commit any other files inside that assignment’s subdirectory.

Because these checks are also made by the MarkUs server when you push your code, your submission may not be accepted (the push will fail) if your changes fail to satisfy the above conditions. You can set up git hooks on your computer, so that you will be prevented from committing changes that will violate the checks:

Lab 1

Lab 1

4页 共4 2019/3/23 14:06