Solved–Homework Assignment 5– Solution

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You are going to write a complete C program which implements the following functionality: Your program will read the following files: language_1.txt language_2.txt language_3.txt language_4.txt language_5.txt language_x.txt Each file contains text in a specific language. All files contain only english lowercase characters and whitespace. Text files will include the following characters: ‘a’ ‘b’ ‘c’ ‘d’…

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You are going to write a complete C program which implements the following functionality:

  • Your program will read the following files:







  • Each file contains text in a specific language. All files contain only english lowercase characters and whitespace. Text files will include the following characters:

‘a’ ‘b’ ‘c’ ‘d’ ‘e’ ‘f’ ‘g’ ‘h’ ‘i’ ‘j’ ‘k’ ‘l’ ‘m’ ‘n’ ‘o’ ‘p’ ‘q’ ‘r’ ‘s’ ‘t’ ‘u’ ‘v’ ‘w’ ‘x’ ‘y’ ‘z’ ‘ ‘

  • Your program will evaluate the dissimilarity scores of language pairs:

(language_x, language_1)

(language_x, language_2)

(language_x, language_3)

(language_x, language_4)

(language_x, language_5)

  • First of all, calculate bi-gram frequencies for each language. A bi-gram is defined as follows: For a given sequence, each unique pairing of successive letters is a bi-gram. For example: for the word ” adana ” bi-grams are defined to be ” a”, “ad”, “da”, “an”, “na”, “a “. Beware: If there is a space before or after a character you will still be dealing with bi-grams. Each bi-gram has exactly two elements which are either characters or space. In order to calculate the frequency of a particular bi-gram(lets say bi-gram “ad”) you have to count all the bi-grams in a given text and for this bi-gram calculate the ratio (# of “ad”)/(total # of all bi-grams)

  • Given all the frequencies, dissimilarity score is calculated as follows:


dissimilarity(languagea, languageb) = |faifbi| (1)


  • Here fai represents the frequency of ith bi-gram for the language a. If cia is the count of ith bi-gram in languagea, then;


fi = ci /( cj ) (2)

a a a

  • After evaluating dissimilarities, your program will print all the dissimilarity values. Print:

dissimilarity(language_x, language_1)

dissimilarity(language_x, language_2)

dissimilarity(language_x, language_3)

dissimilarity(language_x, language_4)

dissimilarity(language_x, language_5)


  • text files can include multiple concatenating whitespace. For example:

Here we are using a user defined recursive

  • Two adjacent whitespace do not create a bi-gram.

  • Input files can be multi-line text files.

  • There isn’t any limit on the size of input files. Your program should work regardless of the size of the input.


  • Bi-gram types do not depend on the input file. There are finite number of possibilities. Given all the lowercase english characters and a space, you can generate all the possible bi-grams.

  • Do not try to store all the content of the file in the memory. Counting is possible without storing all of the text.

  • You don’t need to parse words.

Turn in:

A complete C program <assignment_5_name_id.c> which can be compiled using the following command:

gcc -std=c99 assignment_5_name_id.c -o assignment_5_name_id

If your program requires additional compile and link options, state that require-ment at beginning of your source code as a comment.


  • Read and apply “Assignment Submission Rules and Other Related Infor-mation” document which available on the class e-learning system.

  • You may or may not get partial credit depending on how you structured or documented your code.